Monday, December 21, 2009

Bitches Brew

Forgot to update this brew. Kegged it last weekend, with a FG of 1.020 bringing the abv up to 9.5%. I def tastes boozy and semi sweet. It's also pretty hoppy. It turned out to be a good hybrid of English and American style barleywines. So far it tastes pretty good.

The second half of the batch went into a different Corny Keg and will get oak chips to sit until April when it will be unveiled as the real Bitches Brew in honor of the 40th anniversary of the original album release.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Beer Measurements

Goatmeal Stout
So the FG of the Goatmeal Stout was 1.010, and by my estimations of adding the brown sugar brought it up to 1.061 which would give it an abv of 6.7% before the bourbon/oak infusion. So the bourbon soaked oak chips added a really big bourbon flavor to the beer, and a touch of oak. I don't think it helped that I used Wild Turkey 101 and some Old Weller, which are both strong flavored bourbons. It still tastes great if you like bourbons, which I do, and I'm pretty sure it upped the abv a bit. I wonder how the bourbon flavor will settle with carbonation and age. Being a full 5 gal batch too, this should last me for a while.

Bitches Brew
The brew went well. Started with about 6 gallons or so in the kettle. However, when boiling, I'm assuming do to the high sugar/protein content, it kept boiling over, even before the hops were added. So I had to keep the cover off partway. With the 90min boil, cold weather, and hop absorbtion, I think I lost quite a bit of beer and ended with a 3 gallon batch. I also forgot to add the maple syrup, so the SG was at 1.092 instead of the 1.100. I pitched most of the yeast starter but saved a bit and made another starter to help as the yeast start getting killed off. In order to add the maple syrup and increase the yield, I decided to add 1 gal of water to the secondary, as well as 1 qt of the maple syrup and pitch the second round of yeast. This will give some more kick to the beer and add volume. The color and taste were good to start as well.

Also, I think this is the last brew for the winter. I'll post updates here and there. See you in the spring.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Brew Planned: Bitches Brew

This Saturday Nov. 28th will be brew #10. For the 10th beer brewed at Robot Monkey Brewery it will be another crazy one. A possible 10% abv Barleywine. The est SG=1.100, with est IBU=57.6. The grain bill on this beast is 18.75lbs for a 5 gal batch! Crossing my fingers to not get a stuck mash. It will also require extra mash and boil time. This new beast of a brew will be called Bitches Brew in honor of 40th anniversary of Miles Davis's crazy awesome album, which was released in April of 1970. When this beer is done in the secondary after a month or so, I will keg half to drink through the winter, and throw the second half in a tertiary fermenter with some oak and "release" that beer in April.

Also on Saturday, I will keg the Goatmeal Stout and get the final measurements etc. A good day for beer.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Goatmeal Stout update

This time was my first attempt with dry yeast, since they were out of the regular. After a week nothing had even started, so I gave up on that and bought a regular Irish ale yeast, and things got kickin! I also decided at that point to make a heavier beer for the winter, so I added 2 lbs of light brown sugar right to the primary fermenter. It was bubbling there for almost 2 weeks! A quick estimate brought the OG up to 1.061, which is a nice start. Friday night I put it into a secondary, just so I could add some oak chips. I measured it to be 1.012 at this point, so a good finish as well. I wonder how the brown sugar in fermenter will affect the flavor. I also soaked a bag of oakchips in bourbon and threw them in, so that should be a nice experiment as well.

I have noticed a theme as well. The beers that I brew with grains from one brew store always seem to have a much lower OG than expected. The color is usually fine, as well as taste. And this specific brew shop, all the specialty grains are crushed on site, but the pale malt comes pre-crushed in big bags. If their crush isn't up to snuff, that would give me a much lower yield. I wonder if this is throwing me off. I'm going to do the same steps next brew with same temps/times, etc, and see how my yield is with grains from the other brew shop.

Speaking of which, this coming Saturday right after Thanksgiving should be the next brew. Not sure what will be brewin, but an announcement should come later.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Goatmeal Stout

So I was bored this weekend, and decided to whip together some beer. I needed something that would hold up to winter, and fill out my kegger for a while. "How about an oatmeal stout," I thought to myself. So here it is. A lighter version. OG was 1.045. Brewing went well, although the color could have been a little darker. It's in the fermenter now. And when I grabbed the ingredients, he only had dry yeast for Irish Ale, so this will be my first experiment with dry yeast. I'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pliny the Elder Clone

Bottled/kegged the Pliny clone. Pete took his half in bottle form, so I was able to brush up on the bottling technique. I kegged my half. It finished with a FG of 1.016 giving it a slight sweetness as Pliny typically has, and 9% alcohol. Russian River claims they started at 1.071OG and 8% abv, so I'm not too far off. The original recipe was designed by Tasty McDole from the Brewing Network, but I had to tweak it a bit to equal the hops I currently had. Either way without carbonation it tasted amazing!

Next brew probably in a month or so and will probably be the last one of the winter. Planning on a Westy 12/St Bernardus 12 clone.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Brew #8 Pliny the Elder Clone

So as it rained this weekend, I had some last minute free time. I stopped at the brew shop Saturday and decided to pick up some supplies and make a clone of one of my favorite beers, Pliny the Elder. This is also helpful as it's not available around here and I have to trade for it. The brew went pretty smoothly and I ended up with an SG of 1.085 and my goal was 1.084 so that's great. It already fermenting like crazy, so it should be good. Oh yeah, this has an estimated 196.7 IBUs, yeah that's correct it's not a typo! And being dry hopped with 4 more oz of hops for 5 gal batch. Pliny is a crazy bad ass West Coast style Imperial IPA and it shows. This will also help me clear out some of my hops to make room for the new batch I just received. Can't wait to try it.


Last Friday night I helped volunteer at Beervana. It was a great time. Lots of great beers, good people, very well organized, and best of all I made out like a bandit with beer. Not only did I get to sample everything I wanted for free (including some very rare beers) I also got to take home about 10 great beers (Duvel, Ommegang, St Fuellien, and more) and I got a growler of Smuttynose Big-A IPA cask and DFH 75min IPA dry hopped with Vanguard. I also got to sample the other two Johnny Cask 75min IPA dry hops which were Warrior and I forgot the third one. I then listed to interesting speeches by Rob Todd of Allagash, and Sam Calagione from DFH. At the end of the night I helped Rob pour his awesome Allagash beers while he did an interview, and then accidentally broke hit tap handle while I was taking it off the keg at the end. He was a great guy and just told me to take it home as a souvenir! I'll def be going back next year.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ash-hole Hop Stout Finished

Ash-hole hop stout is now in the keggerator, and has been for about a week now. It finished with a FG of 1.013, giving it an abv of 4.2%. It's a pretty low alc but thick taste. It's extremely dark and stout like, some oatmeal taste, but all that is overpowered by the huge hop taste. The nice bitterness of the Warrior hops, and a strong cascade fresh hop taste with some hop spiciness. I think the dry hop may have been a little too much for this one to redo next time.

On a side note, I also put 1.5L of the beer into my little whisky cask to season the cask and that came out with a HUUUUUUUGE whisky and oak overtones. I bottled that yesterday after 2 weeks in the mini cask. I got about 5 bottles that will make an interesting beer.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ash-hole Hop Stout

So the brew went off pretty well. I tried two new things for water control. First I added an extra gallon to the sparge process, then added another gallon to the boil and ended up with almost 6 gallons, and much lower SG than expected at 1.045 (expected 1.060). Next time I'll try just the extra gallon at sparge.

It's still very dark and ominous looking, and should be pretty good. We almost had an issue with the yeast, as the yeast bag didn't inflate, and the starter didn't really catch until a couple days later. I ended up throwing the yeast in on Wednesday morning after it finally started taking. It seems to be fermenting up well now.

The other small mistake was a little carelessness on my part, when I measured out 2 oz of Warrior hops, and I was supposed to had .5 oz at 30 min, and .5 oz at 5 min, then dry hop with the other oz. Instead I added 1 oz at each step, and I'll still dry hop. This thing is going to be a hop monster!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Brew # 7 is Ash-hole Hop stout Labor Day

Hi All,
Next Monday will be Labor Day, Sept 7th. I actually have a day off from work, so why not spend it brewing beer. Brew #7 the Ash-hole hop stout is officially set for this date, first boil set for 2pm. Hope you can all make it. We will also be filming more scenes for the premiere episode of the brewing show, name yet to be determined. It will cover the brewing process etc.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bourbon Drunken Irishman

The Champagne yeast seemed to start fermenting but didn't do much. I threw in the oak char from Buffalo trace casks that were soaked in bourbon. Let that sit for a week or so and finally decided to bottle/keg it. When sucking it out of the secondary the cloth that was holding the charred wood chips was sucked into the sucker and ripped open, spilling the chips all over the beer. I also measured a FG of 1.027, or about 9% alcohol BEFORE adding all the bourbon. With that I added some water to bring it down to about 1.020 and produce more product.

At the same time I figured that since the conditions in the beer were too crazy for the yeast to survive, I wouldn't be able to bottle condition it. I decided to keg it and use the keg to carbonate it, then bottle half of it from the keg after it was carbonated, a new experiment. I filtered it through a mesh screen as I poured it into the keg to remove all the oak chips, but lots of very small cloudy particulate got in, giving it a cloudy and charred wood taste. Which I also tasted it, its got a shitton of alcohol, lots of bourbon and charred wood, still pretty sweet, a strong ale like taste, I can't get much rye yet, but it tastes great! Can't wait to try it when it's carbonated tomorrow. I'm estimating that the total alcohol is around 11-12% or so. It's pretty crazy!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Brew # 7?

Perhaps brew #7 will be shortly. I'm looking at Labor day, Monday Sept 6th or possibly this coming weekend (this weekend would be tough). The beer will be called Ash-hole Hop Stout. Its basically an Imperial Oatmeal stout. I'm trying to keep the alcohol down a bit in this one, starting the SG at 1.060, with a couple pounds of oats, plenty of roasted and chocolate malts, and lots of hops at 73IBUs. Bittering hops are Warrior and Columbus, and dry hopped with more Warrior, and Irish Ale yeast to give it a dry, slightly fruity and stouty quality. More details will be posted when they are known.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bourbon Drunken Irishman

The fermentation had completely stopped for the Scottish ale yeast in the primary, so I moved it to the secondary. And just as I thought, there is too much alcohol and too high a starting gravity for the Scottish Ale yeast to completely ferment. It finished at 1.030 already at 8.5% alcohol and a little more to go. So I added some Champagne yeast and that seems to be fermenting its way towards the finish. If I can catch it in time I will stop it around 1.018 and leave it with a touch of sweetness. The final est alc would be about 10.25% (before adding the bourbon soaked oak chips, which already started). Can't wait to try it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Brew Updates

Updates on the last two brews and general news.

Info: I did a full cleaning of the brewery last week and it looked great when we brewed on Saturday. My sister Jen also unveiled the Black and White version of the new RMB logo, it looks awesome! I can't wait to get the color and post it. She also showed a couple concepts of Angry Ogre vs Warrior, and Mostquito Trapped in Amber.

Brew #5: was the Mosquito Trapped in Amber was put into the keg for the BrewBQ this weekend. It weighed out at 1.011 grav giving it an alcohol of about 7.6%, another big one. I'm all about the big beers btw. It went over well for the guests at the BrewBQ. Still needs a little more carbonation though.

Brew#6: Bourbon Drunken Irishman went well despite the hosting duties I did (with thanks to Andy for cooking, and Pemmet and Danielle for some brewing help). At first there wasn't enough water to cover the massive grain bill, so I had to add more, and it ended up mashing at 158 deg F, which is higher than normal for me, but many other brewers use this temp.

There were two issues at hand, first the yeast starter didn't seem to take, I'm not sure if I got a bad yeast package or what but if it doesn't start fermenting by tonight I'll have to pickup another package tomorrow.

The other issue is the same continuing one of low yield. Ended up with 3.5 gallons again and I'm sure I started the boil with around 5.5 gallons. This makes me believe that I have to cover the boil and only remove the cover after adding hops since it boils up with the hops. I'll try a simple beer next time and see if I can get a good yield out of it. Since i already got a good gravity of 1.096 to the expected 1.095 I'm not going to add water and sugar and throw off this and the flavor. Instead I'll have a smaller batch and if it's good I'll do it again next time with a bigger yield.

Depending on how the yeast situation goes I'm planning to soak some oak chips in bourbon and throw them into the secondary. Not sure which bourbon to use yet, probably a Four Roses since they have a high rye bill and I have a bunch of their bourbons (and its delicious).

Next brew will probably be an Octoberfest that I can use to see if i can get a better yield. Date TBD.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Brew #6 Bourbon Drunk Irishman date set, Brew #5 updates

So brew #6 will be called "Bourbon Drunk Irishman", it starts with an Irish Red ale, the adding 15% rye, upping the malts to bring it to 1.095 or so SG, and adding a Scottish ale yeast to kill the high gravity, then adding bourbon soaked oak chips to top it off. A crazy beer. The date is set for next Saturday, August 8th at 2pm, accompanied by a big BBQ.

I will also be putting the Brew #5 Mosquito Stuck in Amber into the secondary tomorrow and kegging it Friday night hopefully. At the same time I will do a full cleaning of the brewery.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Brew #5 Mosquito Trapped in Amber

I started creating a few recipes at a time and buying a couple when I go to the brew store so I can save the number of trips there. Had nothing going on Friday so I brewed up this little gem. I wanted a lighter but hoppy amber ale, and wanted a slight kick to it so it has some slight dark malts, giving the name Mosquito Trapped in Amber. I also gave it a decent hop at 44.5 IBUs, and wanted to try out the "Evil Twin" method of lots of late hop additions. For a 5 gal batch the est SG was 1.055, but again I brewed too little and ended with 4 gallons, bringing the est SG to 1.069. The measured SG was 1.068 so that's right on the button. Looks really interesting and should be a great drinkable beer.

The biggest problem I'm having now is amount of wort achieved. I think I need to mark off the brew kettle at 5 gal and account for 20% boil off instead of 10% now, see if that helps.

I also bottled the spicey Grey Lady Clone #1 to see how the spice settles as it ages. It could be a good Christmas style beer if it mellows for the next 6 months. The FG was 1.010 bringing the alcohol to about 5.7% or so. Its not exact since i had to add the water and 1lb of honey, which was hopefully neutral.

Plan to do a big cleaning and sterilizing session this week at some point to completely clean the brewery before the next big brew on the 8th.

Monday, July 20, 2009


It's been a couple weeks since I updated as I was on vacation and busy with work.

The Grey Lady Clone that had way too much spice and was small, I added a gallon of water and 1lb of honey (to counter the added gallon of water). When I did this I put it in the secondary. After another week of fermenting the new sugars here I added it to the tertiary fermenter (another secondary) where it currently sits. Sometime this week I will bottle/keg it and check the final grav. My calculations for actual SG work out to be 1.061.

The Dupont Special turned out to be 5% alc and tastes pretty light but has some slight Bavarian qualities. I also noticed some strage off flavors, as I did with the Angry Ogre vs Warrior so I will have to see if the off flavors disappear with age like the AOvW.

I also created the recipe for the next planned brew, which is the Bourbon Drunken Irishman. It will be an Irish Red and Scotch Ale hybrid with 15% Rye added to it, then bourbon soaked oak chips added to the secondary. It has an SG of 1.091 so I had to use Scottish Ale yeast with the Irish Ale, so 2 packs of yeast! It should be VERY complex and interesting tasting. Can't wait for it to age. This brew is planned for August 8th.

Also, found out about this video today and its a great watch. Enjoy:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Brew #4 - The Grey Lady Clone #1

Well the brew went well, but I was too wrapped up in other things and didn't account for boil off, and adding more water, etc. We ended up with 3.5 gallons instead of 5, and the spices should have only been there 10 minutes but I couldn't fish them out so they stayed the whole boil. Next time need to use string or something... but we live and learn and this is what brewing is all about. It came out really spicey, but other than the spices it seemed to be tasty. The SG was 1.054.

The Dupont Special was also bottled and finished with a FG of 1.010.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Brew #4 happening at 4PM today July 2nd.

Read the title. Questions call the phone in contact info.

Brew #4 Update

Brew #4 is planned for this afternoon. It will be The Grey Lady clone. Est brew time is around 4PM, but will update more info later when I know better.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Brews update

Brew#2: I tasted the Jamaica Me Crazy Nut Brown and its sweet, nutty, has some coffee flavor, and overall pretty similar to the coffee. I need to let it age a bit I think to see how it changes in character, I can only expect it will mellow some and if so it will be a really good beer. With that in mind I bottled all of it instead of half kegging. The FG was 1.012, bringing the alc % to about 7.4% wowzers. It also had great clarity. This should be a great and very tasty beer.

Brew#3: I slapped The Dupont Special into the secondary, and measured the SG in process which measured out to 1.010 so its already low and pretty much ready. With the added honey it was brought up to 1.036 so this should have some alcohol, as well as be pretty light and tasty. I quickly tasted it and it had some of the bavarian hefe taste, but still needs some time. It was a little darker and heavier in taste than expected so we shall see how the secondary treats it.

Brew#1: Did another taste of this and its mellowed out a lot. It has some great qualities now. Its seems very similar to the style of Lagunitas IPA, with a great malt bed and lots of noble bittering hops, but not much on the floral, spicey, or citrus hops. It has plenty of Centennial on the nose and little taste, lots of Warrior on the taste, lots of crystal malt taste, a touch of alcohol in the mouth, its got a thick mouth feel to go with it, and its got a great flavor. Aging should only make it better. Just by how well this is coming out already I am very happy with how out brewing process is coming along.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Grey Lady Clone #1 = Brew #4

Looks like we will try to do The Grey Lady Clone, attempt #1 next week. Looking at possibly Thursday night, but not sure yet. It may even happen during the afternoon.

The Grey Lady is a Belgian Wit from Cisco Brewery with lots of chamomile, coriander, clove, and other possible spices. This is the first clone attempt we will make, brewing the basic recipe for it. I will also setup 5 growlers for secondary that will each contain a different setup of spices to add to it to experiment and see which tastes the closest. Once we narrow it down, I will tweak the recipe as needed and we can try again next summer.

Its a very light beer, with lots of spices. It clocks in at 3.9SRM (very light) with a haze and cloudiness, 14.6IBUs, an OG of 1.047 to be expected, and FG of 1.012. It should have a nice Belgian wit quality to it. More info to follow.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Jamaica Me Crazy Nut Brown = brew #3

I guess technically this was brew #2, but it was an experiment to test out some new eqp. and it was a solo project. This beer was a nut brown ale that had brown sugar, which I attempted to model after the coffee from Lala Java. I actually added a batch of the coffee right to the secondary this weekend.

Yesterday I moved it to the secondary, and it was very clear, which is a good sign. My SG was 1.068, projected at 1.070, so it started pretty good. Projected finish is 1.017 to stay a little sweet, and I measured as I was going into the secondary and got 1.014 so I'm already there. That gives it about 7% alc too, and might be a little dryer than expected. I think this will be a really interesting beer when its finished. I'll let it sit in secondary for a few more days and then bottle half for aging and keg the rest I think. It has an SRM of 19.5 with IBU of 33.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


American Craft Beerfest was awesome! Glad I was a part of it. Got to help out lots of people, do some tastings, and even got the word out there for a few breweries/pubs about RMB! Pics to follow. Now I'm off to celebrate the ACBF and the volunteers, like me, with a big brunch at Red Bones.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Dupont Special

The Dupont Special was a Bavarian Hefe. The brew process went well except that I added too much water to the boil and ended up with a low gravity and had to add a couple growlers to hold the extra. Also did a cold break in the mash and if it affected much it seemed to be worse since the gravity was so low. I will hold off on the cold break for now. I adjusted the recipe for a 6gal batch and ended up with an expected OG of 1.036 and we ended with 1.030. I added a lb of honey to the primary and that should stabilize the gravity. It should have jumped about .006 to the grav putting our original gravity at 1.036. It was meant to be a very light beer anyways due to the projected customer for this brew.

FYI, I'm thinking of adding rendered bacon fat to a growler after its done fermenting and see how it adds to the beer. That will be an interesting experiment.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Angry Ogre Battles Warrior tasting

Its been close to a week since I bottled it so I decided to crack one, and here are my notes:

Ogre vs Warrior, 1 week, large head - finger and a half after only 1 week in bottle, semi dark amber brown color with lots of particulate, nose of centennial hops (dry hopped with it), and some sweet malt its def apparent that its an imperial IPA, taste is a little creamy and some caramel with a touch of sweet/tangy, has some strange flavors (ill have to pick out what those flavors are), very bitter and some good malt base, but I should add more malts next time. I can taste a little alcohol as well, it had 6% before the bottle fermentation but seems higher now. Its a great beer. Need to save many of these as it seems to be a really good beer and would age really well.

The cara/pils added a nice head retention, the strange flavor may be the special roast or irish moss that i added at secondary instead of boil since I forgot, the special B added that light brown sugar/caramel on the nose and slightly on the taste. Finishes a little dry but very VERY hoppy! I can't wait till you guys try this.

Brew #2

Brew #2 is slated for Sunday, June 14th. Two options for brew. The first is a donation beer in lieu of business cards, which is called "The Dupont Special" which would be a Bavarian Hefe style. The other option is an attempt at a clone of Cisco Brewery's "The Grey Lady", which is a Balgian Wit beer with citrus, camomile, clove, and corriander. Brewing starts round 1. More details to follow.

Monday, June 8, 2009


I bottled the Angry Ogre vs. Warrior yesterday. The FG was 1.015, and with a start of 1.062 we ended with about 6% alcohol, not bad. It also is gonna be pretty dry. I tasted it and its nice and hoppy, dry, and a little malty. I also detected some off flavors, so I'll have to see how the aging process does to it. I'll keep everyone updated for when the bottles are ready for sampling and who wants some.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ogre Vs. Warrior IPA

I think the new name will be Ogre vs. Warrior IPA. As an update, I set the beer into the secondary fermenter and dry hopped it. I also tasted it a little bit and its already pretty dry and hoppy, not as much sugar as the original recipe since we got the low gravity and it seemed to ferment well. It should sit in the secondary for another couple weeks and then we can bottle it and give out samples.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pictures from Inaugural Brew

Quest for Grilling Enlightenment

Pretty awesome, just like his products.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Inaugural Brew Update

First of all, great BrewBQ, lots of good food and great times, and beer. The equipment seems to work well, so that is a good sign. As for the beer, it went pretty well. The grains that were pre-milled seem to ball up in the mash (like flour in water) and I spent some time trying to break up all the balls. In doing so the temp of the mash went down too much and I added some more hotwater. So between the three issues (balled up grains and less exposure to the water, lower mash temp of 151degF, and more water added) the starting gravity was 1.062 instead of the 1.075 expected. This will give it less alcohol and probably taste less malty and more of a basic IPA. The color looked good. I'll have to update on how the fermentation is going.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Official Inaugural Brew

Its official. This Monday, Memorial Day, May 25th will be the inaugural brew of Robot Monkey Brewery. The brewing itself will start around 2pm and will be paralleled by a BBQ. We will be brewing "Angry Warrior Ogre IPA" which is a spin from the original Angry Ogre Ale from Beersmith which was one of the first great beers we brewed with Meat Robot Brewery. Its a monster of a brew, with a whopping 93.6 IBUs, Est OG: 1.075, Est FG: 1.020, Est color: 18SRM, Est Alc = 7.3%. I will post the notes we get when we finish, including issues, measurements, possibly pictures, etc. Hope to see everyone there.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Julios Spring Beerfest Sunday

This coming Sunday, May 17th is Julios annual Spring Beerfest. Plan to get there around 12:45-1. Doors open at 1. They are said to have somewhere in the ballpark of 250 beers.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Inaugural Brew

The inaugural brew of Robot Monkey Brewery will happen on Monday, May 25th (Memorial Day). This event will be paralleled with a BBQ. See the Central Mass Homebrewers group on Facebook for more info. The type of beer is not yet decided.


Welcome to the official Robot Monkey Brewery. A subsidiary of Robot Monkey Films, and a sister brewery of Meat Robot Brewery (aka 6-String Brewery). You can also find us on Facebook, a group called "Central Mass Homebrewers".

This is a blog created for the brewery so we can share ideas, recipes, stories, pictures, and talk about our brews. I will publish notes, recipes and pictures from the brews we make, when possible. So relax and have a homebrew.